Basbe Akther
Full Time Freelancer
Project Success0
Total Service4
Completed Service26
In Queue service1
About Freelancer
Assalamu Alaikum
I am a Professional Graphic Designer. I can create all types of designs by using Canva
Including- Resume Design, Banner Design, FB Post Design, Logo Design, YT Thumbnail Design, Book Design, Pin Design, Infographic Design, etc.
I also have experience with Digital Marketing – (Video Views, Share, and Comments & Content Reading, Share, and Comments) and Content Writing
Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University
Computer Science & Engineering
Graphic Designer
I am continually impressed by your professionalism and creativity. Your contributions have been invaluable, and I’m grateful for your dedication to our projects.
“Fantastic job, exceeded all expectations!”
“Delivered outstanding results ahead of schedule!”
“Quick, efficient, and high-quality service!”
“Superb work with great communication throughout!”
“Outstanding freelancer, went above and beyond!”